Ode To The Millennial

I come from feeding my tomagachi and freaking out over furbies

I’m from wearing more eyeliner than socially appropriate

I come from shopping at Claires and 5-7-9

But Charlotte Russe never quite having my size

I’m from having my first job at 15

From ponytails and side parts

Pinned posters of boy bands who’d I see in my dreams

I come from house phones with cords

That I twirled around my fingertips

The speaker never leaving my lips

And hoping mom wouldn’t pick up the other line

I come from IRL house parties but also the party line

I come from dial up and away instant messages

In hopes that he would leave me a few messages

I'm from planes sweeping buildings on TVs in cafeterias

I'm from being class clown around friends but in class always serious

I’m from flaming hots and easy mac

Playing N64 on the floor

I'm from the first to go away to college and starting over like never before

I'm from Xanga and Live Journal

College emails for Facebook

Digital cameras and collages

Documenting our silly beer drinking montages

I'm from weird phases and hip hop

Yellowcard and Murs

I'm from 50 cent beer night, 1 tequila…floor

Yeah I was her

I'm from juggling multiple jobs but graduating jobless

I'm from recessions and tensions

To loving that 9-5

But also not understanding what's so wrong with wanting more

I'm from pursuing my passions but keeping parents happy

I'm from constantly scheming how to get in through the back door

I'm from finding happy with friends who quickly become family

I'm from pain and trauma but not knowing it and ignoring it

I’m mistaking anxiety for heart attacks

Disappointed they were just panic attacks

I’m from living life through social media

But knowing life before social media

I’m from constantly wondering what it all means

If this life is really all that it seems

But I'm from still… prioritizing finding my bliss

And I'm from knowing I may, just may never actually find it

But I'm from finding love in the journey of in and all of it

Christina Igaraividez